Trade Exhibition in Vila Verde de Gracia


This Christmas, do not miss the exhibition Network Trades Respecting the Environment Vila de Gràcia, a responsible use of the environment and society.

Since 2013 the Foundation for Waste Prevention and Responsible Consumption is working in Vila de Gràcia commercial ventures that have a range of products that respect the environment.

This Christmas we invite you to visit the exhibition Network Trades Respecting the Environment Vila de Gràcia, which displays a variety of products (food and beverage, cosmetics, hygiene, cleaning, clothing, footwear, accessories decoration ...) in bulk, reusable, certified organic, locally produced and fair trade can be found in the neighborhood establishments that belong to the network. The role of such businesses committed to the environment and society as facilitators of responsible consumption is key.

Green Point is located in Tabuenca (c / Guillerías 24), from 15 December to 16 January.

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