Carrer GRan de Sant Andreu

Carrer Gran de Sant Andreu, 255
Sant Andreu

Latitude: 2.1896187
Longitude: 41.4352843


  • Neighborhood association and movement

Neighborhood associations are working to pacify the Carrer Gran de Sant Andreu from the Mossen Clapés square to the Rambla de Fabra i Puig. We want people t be aware ot the importance of this central street in the neighborhood. We want this street to be a daily feast of commerce, where people can shop, walk around and socialize. At the moment speed radars will be installed and space for bikes will de defined so that gradually this street becomes a quiet space for people and eventually have no cars circulating through it.

Carrer GRan de Sant Andreu

Carrer Gran de Sant Andreu, 255
Sant Andreu / Sant Andreu
08030 - Barcelona Facebook Twitter
Neighborhood associations are working to pacify the Carrer Gran de Sant Andreu from the Mossen Clapés square to the Rambla de Fabra i Puig. We want people t be aware ot the importance of this central street in the neighborhood. We want this street to be a daily feast of commerce, where people can shop, walk around and socialize. At the moment speed radars will be installed and space for bikes will de defined so that gradually this street becomes a quiet space for people and eventually have no cars circulating through it.

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