Punt Verd de Sant Andreu

Carrer Rovira i Virgili 14
Sant Andreu


Latitude: 2.1884944
Longitude: 41.4285165

  • Green Point neighborhood
  • Clothing collection container

Punt Verd de Sant Andreu exists due to the initiative of local and environmental organisations: AVV de Sant Andreu, FAVB -both neighbors associations- and Centre d'Ecologia i Projectes Alternatius, CEPA. It was inaugurated on 15 March 2003 after an intense negotiation with the Council and the District, during this period the named organisations developed an intense campaign within the neighborhood.

In the year 2000 a public event on waste management took place. During this event citizen and environmentalist organisations requested local small waste management centers within the neighborhoods so that citizens could take their garbage there to be separated, reused or recicled without the need to install everywhere separated containers to collect the garbage in the city. In this way all the garbage was separated instead of going directly to the incinerating plant. They also wanted this places to be permanent environmental education centers. So that this centers were entirely accepted by the neighborhoods , they also asked to allow the participation of the local organisations to decide where to locate them, monitor their work, ask for special activities...

You need to know that if you use the Punt Verd to take your waste you can obtain a special bonus in your taxes for waste management, you just have to give in a water consumption bill from your house. You can also collect your special containers for organix waste and used oil if you still don't have them.

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Punt Verd de Sant Andreu

Carrer Rovira i Virgili 14
Sant Andreu / Sant Andreu
08030 - Barcelona

Punt Verd de Sant Andreu exists due to the initiative of local and environmental organisations: AVV de Sant Andreu, FAVB -both neighbors associations- and Centre d'Ecologia i Projectes Alternatius, CEPA. It was inaugurated on 15 March 2003 after an intense negotiation with the Council and the District, during this period the named organisations developed an intense campaign within the neighborhood.

In the year 2000 a public event on waste management took place. During this event citizen and environmentalist organisations requested local small waste management centers within the neighborhoods so that citizens could take their garbage there to be separated, reused or recicled without the need to install everywhere separated containers to collect the garbage in the city. In this way all the garbage was separated instead of going directly to the incinerating plant. They also wanted this places to be permanent environmental education centers. So that this centers were entirely accepted by the neighborhoods , they also asked to allow the participation of the local organisations to decide where to locate them, monitor their work, ask for special activities...

You need to know that if you use the Punt Verd to take your waste you can obtain a special bonus in your taxes for waste management, you just have to give in a water consumption bill from your house. You can also collect your special containers for organix waste and used oil if you still don't have them.

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