Punt Verd de Zona - Deixalleria de Montjuïc

Carrer del Foc, 56-66
Sants - Montjuïc


Latitude: 2.1396156000001
Longitude: 41.3553116

  • Green Point area

Zone Green Dots are large environmental facilities located on the outskirts of the city. They are especially intended for the commercial and service sector, although individuals can also use them free of charge.
What can you bring?
Flat glass, large appliances, pruning and gardening debris, debris, old utensils and furniture, clothing, footwear, ink cartridges, toners, electrical and electronic appliances, cooking oils, electrical wires, small tires, sprays and sprays, batteries car, cosmetics, x-rays, batteries, motor oils, paints and varnishes, fluorescents and light bulbs, single-dose coffee capsules (plastic and aluminum), etc.
What can't be brought there?
Special, toxic and hazardous industrial waste, sanitary waste and organic waste.

Punt Verd de Zona - Deixalleria de Montjuïc

Carrer del Foc, 56-66
Sants - Montjuïc / La Marina del Prat Vermell
08038 - Barcelona
Zone Green Dots are large environmental facilities located on the outskirts of the city. They are especially intended for the commercial and service sector, although individuals can also use them free of charge.
What can you bring?
Flat glass, large appliances, pruning and gardening debris, debris, old utensils and furniture, clothing, footwear, ink cartridges, toners, electrical and electronic appliances, cooking oils, electrical wires, small tires, sprays and sprays, batteries car, cosmetics, x-rays, batteries, motor oils, paints and varnishes, fluorescents and light bulbs, single-dose coffee capsules (plastic and aluminum), etc.
What can't be brought there?
Special, toxic and hazardous industrial waste, sanitary waste and organic waste.
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