Roba Amiga, Empresa d'Inserció, S.L.

Sant Esteve de Sesrovires

Latitude: 0
Longitude: 0


  • Social and solidarity economy enterprises
  • Member of Barcelona + Sustainable
  • Clothing collection container
  • Waste treatment facility

The consortium of organizations Roba Amiga Cooperative currently consists of the following companies Updated: Training and Employment, ADAD-charm, Solidança, and Recibaix findings and aims to modernize the sector in terms of efficiency and profitability, making the process of management of the second-hand clothes in Catalonia more efficiently, to minimize waste textiles through a model that promotes the inclusion of people experiencing or at risk of social exclusion.

Roba Amiga, Empresa d'Inserció, S.L.

08635 - Sant Esteve de Sesrovires Facebook Twitter Google+
The consortium of organizations Roba Amiga Cooperative currently consists of the following companies Updated: Training and Employment, ADAD-charm, Solidança, and Recibaix findings and aims to modernize the sector in terms of efficiency and profitability, making the process of management of the second-hand clothes in Catalonia more efficiently, to minimize waste textiles through a model that promotes the inclusion of people experiencing or at risk of social exclusion.
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