ASESCUVE - Asociación Españona de Cubiertas Verdes y Ajardinamientos Verticales

CECOT- Carrer Sant Pau, 6


Latitude: 0
Longitude: 0

  • Company goods or services for sustainability
  • Green roof
  • Green wall
  • Allotment and community garden
  • Member of Barcelona + Sustainable

The Spanish Association of green roofs and vertical landscaping (ASESCUVE) aims to carry out the promotion and dissemination of all the knowledge and technology related to green roofs and vertical landscaping. Offering support to all entities, companies, professionals and individuals, who need information and advice.

ASESCUVE was born on October 26, 2010 and is made up of companies and professionals in the construction, gardening, landscape and environmental sector: installers, manufacturers, distributors, architects, technical architects, installers, engineers, engineers Technicians, landscapers, gardeners.

ASESCUVE - Asociación Españona de Cubiertas Verdes y Ajardinamientos Verticales

CECOT- Carrer Sant Pau, 6
08221 - Terrassa
The Spanish Association of green roofs and vertical landscaping (ASESCUVE) aims to carry out the promotion and dissemination of all the knowledge and technology related to green roofs and vertical landscaping. Offering support to all entities, companies, professionals and individuals, who need information and advice.

ASESCUVE was born on October 26, 2010 and is made up of companies and professionals in the construction, gardening, landscape and environmental sector: installers, manufacturers, distributors, architects, technical architects, installers, engineers, engineers Technicians, landscapers, gardeners.
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