Centre Cívic Can Deu

Plaça de la Concòrdia, 13
Les Corts


Latitude: 2.1324945
Longitude: 41.3867739


  • Center social, cultural or leisure
  • Allotment and community garden
  • Member of Barcelona + Sustainable

Citizen organization signing the Commitment to Sustainability

On 17 January 1984 the City Council to purchase Can God turn it into a civic center for the district.

The "new" Can God was officially opened on 6 December 1986.

Lines of work: jazz, Environment, support the creation, promotion and spreading cultural and traditional festive calendar.

Environmental Services Classroom
Collaboration with the classroom. Flights participate
Cafeteria service
Piano open

Centre Cívic Can Deu

Plaça de la Concòrdia, 13
Les Corts / Les Corts
08014 - Barcelona
 http://www.cccandeu.com Facebook Twitter Instagram
Citizen organization signing the Commitment to Sustainability

On 17 January 1984 the City Council to purchase Can God turn it into a civic center for the district.

The "new" Can God was officially opened on 6 December 1986.

Lines of work: jazz, Environment, support the creation, promotion and spreading cultural and traditional festive calendar.

Environmental Services Classroom
Collaboration with the classroom. Flights participate
Cafeteria service
Piano open

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