El Celler de la Ribera

Carrer del Cigne, 12


Latitude: 2.1537999
Longitude: 41.4006061


  • Shop where you can buy bulk products
  • Shop with organic produce section or local

Winery where to find artisan beer, wines and other liquors in bulk, as well as organic wines and bottled proximity and gourmet food.

Automatically translated with Google Translate API.

El Celler de la Ribera

Carrer del Cigne, 12
Gràcia / Vila de Gràcia
08012 - Barcelona
 https://www.elcellerdelaribera.com Facebook Instagram
Winery where to find artisan beer, wines and other liquors in bulk, as well as organic wines and bottled proximity and gourmet food.

Automatically translated with Google Translate API.
Automatically translated with Google Translate API.

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