Granel Gràcia

Travessera de Gràcia, 227

Latitude: 2.1613788
Longitude: 41.4036706


  • Shop local and organic food products
  • Shop where you can buy bulk products

We are a network of eco-friendly and natural food stores that offer you bulk products. We want to promote responsible and sustainable purchasing, with the elimination of plastic waste; That is why we offer local products (km 0), organic and natural, of which you can serve the amount you want in a paper potato or potato starch.
We want to offer a space of freedom in the way of buying and feeding consciously, valuing that together, we and you, we are part of the circle:
Conscious feeding = responsible consumption + respectful + sustainable + quality and with - plastic waste
If you are members of Etselquemenges you will enjoy a 5% discount on some of our products; Ask the Bulk store to get closer.

Health and good food!

Granel Gràcia

Travessera de Gràcia, 227
08012 - Barcelona
 Facebook Instagram
We are a network of eco-friendly and natural food stores that offer you bulk products. We want to promote responsible and sustainable purchasing, with the elimination of plastic waste; That is why we offer local products (km 0), organic and natural, of which you can serve the amount you want in a paper potato or potato starch.
We want to offer a space of freedom in the way of buying and feeding consciously, valuing that together, we and you, we are part of the circle:
Conscious feeding = responsible consumption + respectful + sustainable + quality and with - plastic waste
If you are members of Etselquemenges you will enjoy a 5% discount on some of our products; Ask the Bulk store to get closer.

Health and good food!
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