Jardí dels Tarongers

Carrer Elisabets, 8
Ciutat Vella


Latitude: 2.1679900563446
Longitude: 41.383754794798

  • Park or public garden
  • Landscaped plaza

Patio of rectangular shape with accesses from the streets Elisabets and Montalegre. The entities hosted are the Barcelona Economic and Social Council, the Labouré School (FEV), the Study and Research Space two chopsticks two peppers, the Confucius Institute Foundation of Barcelona, ​​the Casa de la Misericordia Residence and the Private Foundation House of the Mercy of Barcelona. The vegetation is mostly composed of bitter orange (Citrus aurantium subsp. Amara). There are also canary palm (Pheonix canariensis) and Japanese medlar (Eriobotrya japonica).
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Jardí dels Tarongers

Carrer Elisabets, 8
Ciutat Vella / El Raval
08001 - Barcelona
Patio of rectangular shape with accesses from the streets Elisabets and Montalegre. The entities hosted are the Barcelona Economic and Social Council, the Labouré School (FEV), the Study and Research Space two chopsticks two peppers, the Confucius Institute Foundation of Barcelona, ​​the Casa de la Misericordia Residence and the Private Foundation House of the Mercy of Barcelona. The vegetation is mostly composed of bitter orange (Citrus aurantium subsp. Amara). There are also canary palm (Pheonix canariensis) and Japanese medlar (Eriobotrya japonica).
Automatically translated with Google Translate API.