Llentiscle a l'Hort de l'Avi

Carrer del Torrent del Remei, 2 (L'Hort de l'Avi)


Latitude: 2.1482177
Longitude: 41.4155964

  • Tree of interest

Mastic (Pistacia Ientiscus)
Location: Access to the garden from the street Avi Thyme
UTM (x, y): 2.190674: 41.448257
No. Catalog: 0160-06-13
District: Gràcia
Ownership: Public
Height: 4.3 m
Crown (diameter): 8.7 m
Perimeter trunk: It kind of branched shrub
Year of cataloging: 2014
Approximate date of birth: no baseline data
This copy of mastic, of considerable proportions is in the middle of a wooded area between pines and Mediterranean bushes over the entrance of the Garden of access to Avi, one of the rear entrances from the street to Park Güell of thyme. With the passage of time has passed to offer the appearance of a shrub to adopt, with its branches with twisted some of which have more than 15 centimeters in diameter, tree form and managed to extend over an area of ​​between 20 and 25 meters square.
For more information, see the Atlas of Biodiversity
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Llentiscle a l'Hort de l'Avi

Carrer del Torrent del Remei, 2 (L'Hort de l'Avi)
Gràcia / El Coll
08023 - Barcelona
Mastic (Pistacia Ientiscus)
Location: Access to the garden from the street Avi Thyme
UTM (x, y): 2.190674: 41.448257
No. Catalog: 0160-06-13
District: Gràcia
Ownership: Public
Height: 4.3 m
Crown (diameter): 8.7 m
Perimeter trunk: It kind of branched shrub
Year of cataloging: 2014
Approximate date of birth: no baseline data
This copy of mastic, of considerable proportions is in the middle of a wooded area between pines and Mediterranean bushes over the entrance of the Garden of access to Avi, one of the rear entrances from the street to Park Güell of thyme. With the passage of time has passed to offer the appearance of a shrub to adopt, with its branches with twisted some of which have more than 15 centimeters in diameter, tree form and managed to extend over an area of ​​between 20 and 25 meters square.
For more information, see the Atlas of Biodiversity
Automatically translated with Google Translate API.
Automatically translated with Google Translate API.