Mirant carrers que ens parlen de l’història de les migracions a Barcelona.

Carrer Taradell, 31

Latitude: 2.1468746427612
Longitude: 41.420541058607

  • Trail, track or nature trail
  • Park or forest or garden asilvestrado

Barcelona is and has been a land of welcome from people all over the world. The human landscape and its constructions also tell us about the adaptation of the new citizens to living conditions that in other times have been more difficult. The homes of the immediate environment are a good example.

You invite us to return by calle de Morató and then through the passage of Taradell until returning through Carrer de Castellterçol to the starting point bordering the hill on the most obaga, paying attention to the buildings that we find in the first streets. How do you think the materials, architecture, basic services or the state of the streets are?

Imagining a bit, you may find that these homes were built in the 50s and 60s as a result of the occupation of undeveloped areas of the city, as have other nearby hills or Montjuïc.

The very elementary construction materials, the little defined and very diverse architecture, together with some basic services, surely tell us about areas that in other times were occupied by houses of self-construction made to meet the economic needs of those who built them. Today they are an urban landscape that tells us about a past with citizens from other places to improve their living conditions.

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Mirant carrers que ens parlen de l’història de les migracions a Barcelona.

Carrer Taradell, 31
Gràcia / El Coll
08035 - Barcelona
Barcelona is and has been a land of welcome from people all over the world. The human landscape and its constructions also tell us about the adaptation of the new citizens to living conditions that in other times have been more difficult. The homes of the immediate environment are a good example.

You invite us to return by calle de Morató and then through the passage of Taradell until returning through Carrer de Castellterçol to the starting point bordering the hill on the most obaga, paying attention to the buildings that we find in the first streets. How do you think the materials, architecture, basic services or the state of the streets are?

Imagining a bit, you may find that these homes were built in the 50s and 60s as a result of the occupation of undeveloped areas of the city, as have other nearby hills or Montjuïc.

The very elementary construction materials, the little defined and very diverse architecture, together with some basic services, surely tell us about areas that in other times were occupied by houses of self-construction made to meet the economic needs of those who built them. Today they are an urban landscape that tells us about a past with citizens from other places to improve their living conditions.

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Automatically translated with Google Translate API.