Pi blanc a la plaça circular del Torrent de les Monges

Parc de Joan Raventós
Sarrià - Sant Gervasi


Latitude: 2.1169624
Longitude: 41.4022631

  • Tree of interest

The characteristics of this pine (Pinus halepensis) are:
- The perimeter of the trunk is 1.30 meters 2.77 meters
- Crown: 18 meters
His condition is good and structural.
Photograph: Santiago Pastor

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Pi blanc a la plaça circular del Torrent de les Monges

Parc de Joan Raventós
Sarrià - Sant Gervasi / Sarrià
08034 - Barcelona
The characteristics of this pine (Pinus halepensis) are:
- The perimeter of the trunk is 1.30 meters 2.77 meters
- Crown: 18 meters
His condition is good and structural.
Photograph: Santiago Pastor

Automatically translated with Google Translate API.
Automatically translated with Google Translate API.