Tipuana Plaça del Nord

Plaça del Nord


Latitude: 2.1553392
Longitude: 41.4067368

  • Tree of interest

Rosewood (rosewood types)
Location: pl. North
UTM (x, y): 429516: 4584506
No. Catalog: 0049-06-93
District: Gràcia
Ownership: Public
Height: 9 m
Vault 1.3 m .: 0.78 m.
Crown (diameter): 10 m.
Year of cataloging: 1993
Approximate date of birth: 1953
The majesty of foliage and yellow flowers intense, massive and synchronized with jacarandas with which it shares its catalog number, becomes the simple and friendly and tancada- -reduïda a square of the old town of Grace a sudden succession of shapes and colors. Young trees of extraordinary appeal -now the aesthetic and scenic.
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Tipuana Plaça del Nord

Plaça del Nord
Gràcia / Vila de Gràcia
08024 - Barcelona
Rosewood (rosewood types)
Location: pl. North
UTM (x, y): 429516: 4584506
No. Catalog: 0049-06-93
District: Gràcia
Ownership: Public
Height: 9 m
Vault 1.3 m .: 0.78 m.
Crown (diameter): 10 m.
Year of cataloging: 1993
Approximate date of birth: 1953
The majesty of foliage and yellow flowers intense, massive and synchronized with jacarandas with which it shares its catalog number, becomes the simple and friendly and tancada- -reduïda a square of the old town of Grace a sudden succession of shapes and colors. Young trees of extraordinary appeal -now the aesthetic and scenic.
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Automatically translated with Google Translate API.