Ronda Universitat, 19

Latitude: 2.1664186
Longitude: 41.3869196


  • Second-Hand Stores
  • Clothing collection container

Find the best Secondhand fashion in our women's, men's, children's and home sections. Because the most sustainable piece is the one already made. In Humana stores you can buy great second-hand clothes and collaborate with the environmental protection through the reuse of textiles and by obtaining resources for the Foundation's social programs. With your purchases and donations you cooperate with the entity's international cooperation programs, it aims to promote the education, education, training and progress of rural communities in countries such as Mozambique or Angola, as well as with those of local support in Spain

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Ronda Universitat, 19
Eixample / L'Antiga Esquerra de l'Eixample
08007 - Barcelona Facebook Instagram

Find the best Secondhand fashion in our women's, men's, children's and home sections. Because the most sustainable piece is the one already made. In Humana stores you can buy great second-hand clothes and collaborate with the environmental protection through the reuse of textiles and by obtaining resources for the Foundation's social programs. With your purchases and donations you cooperate with the entity's international cooperation programs, it aims to promote the education, education, training and progress of rural communities in countries such as Mozambique or Angola, as well as with those of local support in Spain

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