Contenidor Roba Amiga *Punt Verd de Barri Sant Andreu Nord

Plaça de Miquel Casablancas i Joanico, 2
Sant Andreu

Latitude: 2.1868360999999
Longitude: 41.4395845

  • Clothing collection container

The orange container
The orange container is the key element for the collection of textile waste.
The objective of Cooperativa Roba Amiga is to continue to expand the number of containers in Catalonia and to become an element of the landscape of our municipalities. To date, there are more than 1,700 containers distributed throughout the Catalan territory in more than 450 municipalities and private locations that comply with their actions of corporate social responsibility.
The clothing container Amiga is easily recognizable thanks to its orange color and serves as an information point for the citizens who want to deposit their clothes bags, because through their infogram, people are directed to how and what You can go inside, in addition to explaining the purpose of donations and their destinations.
The design of the orange containers is in constant modifications to continue improving their security and functionality always following Ecodesign criteria.

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Contenidor Roba Amiga *Punt Verd de Barri Sant Andreu Nord

Plaça de Miquel Casablancas i Joanico, 2
Sant Andreu / Sant Andreu
08030 - Barcelona
The orange container
The orange container is the key element for the collection of textile waste.
The objective of Cooperativa Roba Amiga is to continue to expand the number of containers in Catalonia and to become an element of the landscape of our municipalities. To date, there are more than 1,700 containers distributed throughout the Catalan territory in more than 450 municipalities and private locations that comply with their actions of corporate social responsibility.
The clothing container Amiga is easily recognizable thanks to its orange color and serves as an information point for the citizens who want to deposit their clothes bags, because through their infogram, people are directed to how and what You can go inside, in addition to explaining the purpose of donations and their destinations.
The design of the orange containers is in constant modifications to continue improving their security and functionality always following Ecodesign criteria.

Automatically translated with Google Translate API.
Automatically translated with Google Translate API.